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Board of Education Committees

Click the headline below to view the associated Committee Information.

Charges and Responsibilities of Standing Committees

The Croton Harmon Board of Education has established standing Board committees to concentrate on specific areas of Board operations or responsibilities.  Standing committees make recommendations for action to the full Board; they are not empowered to act on the Board's behalf.  the Board may also establish ad hoc committees.  District administrators may serve as members of standing or ad hoc Board committees, if appropriate, as determined by the Board.  Committees shall meet at least four times a year, appoint a chairperson to coordinate committee assignments, convene meetings and liaison to the Board.  A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for that meeting and can make committee decisions.  The Committees shall prepare meeting minutes, reflective of committee discussions and recommendations, to be circulated to all Board members and shall report on committee business at the monthly Board of Education business meeting.

Advocacy Committee

Members: Anamika Bhatnagar, Sarah Carrier and Theo Oshiro (chair)
Charge:  The Advocacy Committee advises the Board of Education on effective methods of influencing public policy and the distribution of public resources to the benefit of our district's students while remaining mindful of the impact on our taxpayers. This will be accomplished by:

  • Increasing the Board's awareness and understanding of current and emerging issues that affect the District and public education in general.
  • Educating community members, elected officials and other interested parties on the challenges that impede the District's ability to provide quality services to students.
  • Establishing mechanisms to readily reach out to the school district community regarding matters of importance.
  • Developing partnerships with members of the school district community.
  • Providing regular updates during public school board meetings.
  • Strengthening strategic relationships with elected officials.

Audit Committee

Members:  Joshua Diamond, Neal Haber, and Omar Mayyasi
Audit Committee Meeting Minutes
Audit Committee Charter

The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing and carrying out the Board's audit policies and the performance of related duties.  This will be accomplished by:

  • Recommending the selection of external, internal and claims auditors as appropriate.  
  • Reviewing the scope, plan and execution of external, internal and claims audit function.
  • Serving as liaison and interface between the external, internal and claims auditors and the Board.
  • Monitoring management's implementation of audit recommendations.
  • Reviewing auditor's assessment of the district's system of internal controls.
  • Reviewing draft audit plans and making recommendations to the Board.

Board Development Committee

Members:  Anamika Bhatnagar, Omar Mayyasi, and Theo Oshiro

Charge:  The Board Development Committee assists in developing the Board's knowledge and effectiveness through the implementation of sound governance policies and practices.  This will be accomplished by:

  • Organizing the annual and mid-year retreats.
  • Recommending guidelines and practices consistent with sound governance principles to increase Board effectiveness.
  • Coordinating orientation, training and ongoing support for newly elected Board members.
  • Coordinating annual reviews of the performance of the Board, its Committees, and its officers via self assessment and other methods.
  • Coordinating Board work plans associated with annual Board goals.  Monitor progress toward achieving its goals.
  • Coordinating the annual superintendent evaluation process.

Communications Committee

Members: Sarah Carrier, Neal Haber, and Ana Teague

Charge:  The Communication Committee seeks to enhance communication between the Board of Education and the community.  The Committee is responsible for assessing current communication mechanisms for meetings and other Board events as well as investigating and recommending new communication strategies to the Board of Education for discussion and implementation.  Areas on which the Committee will focus include:

  • Refining and updating the Board of Education web presence on the district website.
  • Developing a communication strategy for Board events and meetings.
  • Recommending new mechanisms to enhance community involvement in district affairs.

Policy Committee

Members:  Anamika Bhatnagar, Neal Haber, and Ana Teague

Policy Committee Meeting Minutes

Charge:  The Policy Committee is responsible for the review of current Board policies to determine whether changes or modifications are necessary; the consideration and evaluation of new policies and revisions to policies,as suggested by the New York State School Boards Association, the district's administration, Board members, and other sources; the drafting of policy revisions and new policies for recommendation to the Board for its consideration and approval, which includes appropriate research and consultation with the district administration, legal counsel, and others; and other functions related to the policies of the Board of Education

Liaisons / Board Representatives

Bike Pedestrian Committee - Neal Haber 

Building Planning Council (CET) -  Joshua Diamond

Building Planning Council (PVC) - Neal Haber and Theo Oshiro (split)

Building Planning Council (CHHS) - Sarah Carrier and Omar Mayyasi (split)

District Emergency Response Team (DERT) - Ana Teague

Health & Safety Committee - Neal Haber

IDEA Advisory Committee - Anamika Bhatnagar and Sarah Carrier

WestPut Liaison - Sarah Carrier and Chair of Advocacy

Student Faculty Congress - Anamika Bhatnagar and Joshua Diamond